Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

One of my favorite things so far: last night, after supper, there was a local steel band that played, they were AMAZING. It was so cool. Basically drums, auxiliary percussion and these cool things that look like steel drum things but sound kinda like a xylophone. The girls in my family all got up and danced.

Today was another relaxing day. We went snorkeling, which wasn't as good as some of the other snorkeling I've done, but still spectacular. Lots of Dori-like fish. We just got back from Shirley Heights. It's this cliff with a fantastic view of the ocean where we watched the sun set. There was a band playing, but the whole thing wasn't as good as we hoped; much too touristy. But while walking by couple of taxis, I heard Lady Gaga on the radio. I thought that was pretty funny. And while interrogating our taxi driver, he was complaining about boys and wearing pants bellow their waist. Another, similarity between Canada and Antigua.

I've been wished many 'Happy Valentine's Day' s here. So I suppose it's my turn to return it to you. Happy Valentine's day. (I'm even wearing red and white to supper just for the occasion).

1 comment:

  1. Wow, it really sucks that you got to watch the sun set over the ocean with a band playing in the background, and it wasn't as good as you'd hoped. I'm sure that our sunset here, at five o'clock, in the middle of a snowstorm was much better. Juuuuuuuuuuust kidding! Love you! (man, I hate it when people say that, but I am a hypocrite and we all know it so ah well) XP
